Agroecological Crop Protection towards international co-innovation dynamics and evidence of sustainability
12 place-based co-innovation initiatives
12 sustainable agriculture systems (SAS) in 10 countries
15 organisations (12 academic, 3 non-academic)
12 systems covering main crop types
Our intiative
ACROPICS addresses the need for sustainable agricultural practices that use little to no harmful crop protection inputs.
Boost reductions of chemical pesticide use via the uptake of systemic innovations in agroecological crop protection…
Cases studies map
Discover 12 sustainable agriculture systems (SAS) in 10 countries of in ACROPICS.
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ACROPICS addresses the need for sustainable agricultural practices that use little to no harmful crop protection inputs.
ACROPICS reinforces 12 place-based co-innovation initiatives involving local actors implementing agroecological crop protection (ACP);
connects these initiatives to each other and to research & innovation teams worldwide;
highlights these initiatives at the international level;
with biological, ecological and social science expertise.
It plans staff exchanges among academia, biocontrol industries and
12 sustainable agriculture systems (SAS) in 10 countries.
Collaborative activities
Collaborative activities will :
co-design and implement innovation strategies (coupling ecological, technical and organisational/institutional innovations in an innovation push/pull approach);

Expected results and impacts
Expected results and impacts are :
state-of-the art research results promoting ACP;
engagement of a large number stakeholders across food value chains;
demonstration and exploitation of new innovations ranging from certification schemes to biocontrol products and services.