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Announcement: CSIRO has joined ACPI !

The ACPI Coordination team is pleased to announce that CSIRO has joined the Agroecological Crop Protection Initiative ! The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) is an Australian Government agency that is responsible for scientific...

ACROPICS project partner visit | French INRAe-LISIS research team on official visit at UHF, Himachal Pradesh, India

A central part of the European Commission-funded ACROPICS project (Agroecological Crop Protection Towards International Co-Innovation Dynamics and Evidence of Sustainability), is its various exchanges between its partner organisations. One such exchange is currently...

International Conference “Enabling Sustainable Food Systems through Natural Farming” (13-14 Sep. 2024 | UHF – India)

ACROPICS project partner Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry (UHF)is organising an international conference on the topic of “Enabling Sustainable Systems through Natural Farming”. The conference will take place in Nauni – Solan, Himchal...


Find the latest news from our partners here below.


- Cheshta Rawat
Innovation: Precision Agri X IoT X Natural Farming

Revolutionising Farming - Precision Agriculture x IoT x Natural Farming Precision Agriculture: A Data-Driven Approach to Orchard cum Farm ManagementPrecision Agriculture and Internet of Things (IoT) involves the use of various technologies, which includes, pH regulation, GPS, sensors, remote sensing, and data analytics, to collect and analyze real-time information about [Read more ...]

- Mridul Dhiman
Apple Juice Value Chain

Value Chain Development Cold Pressed Apple Juice A Journey of Sustainability and Innovation As a student of agribusiness management with a background in horticulture, I’ve always sought ways to improve agricultural practices to reduce waste, offer additional income to farmers, and promote sustainable agricultural production and markets. My involvement in [Read more ...]

- Cheshta Rawat
Grant Making – KNFPC

Building Sustainable Food Systems Through Agroecology and Market Linkage Nestled in Himachal Pradesh’s Karsog Valley, smallholder farmers are paving the way for sustainable agriculture. Here Gram Disha Trust (GDT) is building capacity of Smallholder run Karsog Naturals Farmer Producer Company (KNFPC). Over the last decade the trustees of GDT have [Read more ...]

- Gram Disha Trust
ACROPICS – Global Network for Agroecological Crop Protection

ACROPICS or Agroecological Crop Protection towards international co-innovation dynamics and evidence of sustainability – is a global initiative of Multiple research organisations, Academic Institutions, companies, producer groups and CSOs.  Main objectives of ACROPICS are to co-develop and determine pathways to reduce or negate the use of Synthetic Chemicals and posions [Read more ...]

- Alexandra Sadler
Enabling Sustainable Food Systems – ESFS-NF Conference

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of attending a conference on Enabling Sustainable Food Systems through Natural Farming at Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry (YSPUHF) in Nauni, Himachal Pradesh. I was invited to the conference by Gram Disha Trust, who I had been in contact with regarding [Read more ...]

- Cheshta Rawat

ACROPICS Workshop INRAe X Gram Disha Trust X UHF Nauni  Exciting times are coming for the transformation of food systems through Agroecology! As it expands globally to foster innovative partnerships. Maybe a unique worldwide effort, involving individuals from 4 continents, has been established to exchange ideas, connect, and cooperate on Crop [Read more ...]

- Cheshta Rawat
History of Organic and Natural Farming in India

A 100 year History of Organic and Natural Farming in India All agriculture in the early 18th century is what is termed as ‘organic’ or ‘natural’ today. The life choices were different as they are now, no harmful synthetic chemicals were used in agriculture with recycling of plant and animal [Read more ...]