
ACROPICS comprises 7 workpackages. The first 3 focus on the activities involving the actors of our network of place-based Sustainable Agroecological Systems (SAS). The other 4 workpackages consist in transversal actions and tools.

WP1 · WP2 · WP3

Innovation & Research with SAS

WP4 · WP5 · WP6

Support Actions


Coordination & Management

Workpackages of ACROPICS are :


WP1 : Co-design of SAS Strategies

Lead beneficiary : UHF (Dr Inder Dev)</span

Objectives :
1. Enable multi-active engagement between SAS and ACROPICS partners.
2. Describe the value chains and transition dynamics at each SAS.
3. Co-design SAS-specific improvement strategies towards higher sustainability
4. Ensure monitoring and guidance of SASs with respect to their sustainability increase goals

Tasks :
Task 1.1 Enabling multi-actor engagement between SAS-networks and ACROPICS partners
Task 1.2 Co-designing SAS specific improvement strategies


WP2 : Innovation and Demonstration Actions

Lead beneficiary : USAMV (Dr Ana Butcaru)

Objectives :
1. Establish guidelines for testing within ACROPICS
2. Implement, monitor and synthesize innovation testing at SASs
3. Carry-out demonstrations (within SAS and across SAS)
4. Cross-fertilize SAS networks within ACROPICS

Tasks :
Task 2.1 Establish guidelines for testing experiments
Task 2.2 Implement and monitor innovation testing activities at SASs
Task 2.3 Conducting 24 demonstration events
Task 2.4 Cross fertilizing ACROPICS SAS networks within ACROPICS


WP3 : Common Knowledge Production

Lead beneficiary : CUYO (Dr Rodrigo Lopez Plantey)

Objectives :
· Produce knowledge and know-how on priority topics for the spread of agroecological crop protection: analysis of certification schemes, drastically increase data on the influence of agroecological practices on local and surrounding biodiversity, investigate approaches and tools to design the deployment of ecological infrastructures to generate mono- and multi-pest control services, and generate know-how and tools for risk-management specifically in Agroecological crop protection.
· Generate results that will feed back WP2 with prototypes of schemes, services and tools ready to be tested

Tasks :
Task 3.1. Comparisons and evaluations of the effects of certification schemes on agroecological crop protection implementation and pesticide use reduction (M1-M48)
Task 3.2. Influence of agroecological practices on biodiversity
Task 3.3 Impacts of ecological infrastructure arrangements on populations and communities of pests, pathogens and beneficial organisms
Task 3.4 Digital support decision management in horticulture – tools for increase sustainability including risk management at the ecosystem level


WP4 : Sustainability Assessment of SAS and their innovations

Lead beneficiary : INTA (Dr Veronica El Mujtar)

Objectives :
WP4 will define adequate and easy-to-use sets of criteria to assess innovative practices and systems (ACROPICS innovations) at various scales and dimensions of sustainability. The specific objectives are to:
1. Define the adequate methodology, including the required set of databases, the criteria for impact assessment of innovations contributing to reductions of inputs use and nutrient losses (Task 4.1).
2. Quantify the achievable reductions of pesticides and fertilizers based upon the innovations identified in WP1 and the incidences on other performances (Task 4.2).
3. Quantify the overall impacts of innovations on the sustainability at the SAS farm level (Task 4.3).
4. Analyse the agroecological, economic and social performance of SASs at the level of landscapes and value chains under various hypotheses of deployment

Tasks :
Task 4.1 Methodology, Criteria and databases
Task 4.2 Evaluation of impacts of SAS practices and innovations
Task 4.3 Analysis of sustainability at the landscape and territorial supply chain scales


WP5 : Training and Education

Lead beneficiary : RUG (Dr Pablo Tittonell)

Objectives :
1. Design and implement training to enable staff members of ACROPICS to implement WP1,2,3,4,6
2. Assess knowledge gaps and resources for the transition of farming systems using agroecology tools
3. Develop training and education strategies to support transition of farming systems
4. Provide a framework and training materials to facilitate the transition of farming systems
5. Identify the best students practical achievements with lighthouse roles
6. Create educational materials to increase awareness and understanding of agroecology for young citizens

Tasks :
Task 5.1. Design and implement training to enable staff members of ACROPICS to implement WP1-6
Task 5.2 Identification of main resources and gaps in SAS
Task 5.3 Design training materials to support transition within and outside the network
Task 5.4 ACROPICS Student Awards


WP6 : Dissemination, Communication and Engagement

Lead beneficiary : INIAV (Dr Leonor Cruz)

Objectives :
1. Create and maintain a clear and recognizable project brand, promotional materials, website, social network profiles;
2. Plan the exploitation, dissemination and transfer of results, which will help maximise the uptake and implementation of project results by all stakeholders and increase visibility of SAS
3. Design the adequate communication tools to spread the project results and cooperate with WP2,5 to disseminate materials for farmers, advisors, policy-makers and citizens;
4. Facilitate and engage in a dialogue with policy makers (EU, national, regional).
5. Foster the creation of value by engaging actors of the downstream value chain (retail, consumers) and investors by proposing tools to assess the sustainability of their supply chains and by promoting ACROPICS results.

Tasks :
Task 6.1 Develop and implement a Plan for the Dissemination and Exploitation of Results (PEDR)
Task 6.2 Multi modal mix of traditional and novel communication, dissemination and outreach activities
Task 6.3 Facilitate and engage in a dialogue with and between policy makers
Task 6.4. Engagement with citizens and stakeholders (M6- M48)


WP7 : Coordination and Management

Lead beneficiary : INRAE (Dr Thibaut Malausa)

Objectives :
To ensure effective and efficient project coordination and management.