Short Name: ALM

Contact Point: Agrobio

Type of organisation: SME company

Website / Social Media link:

Crop sectors: Greenhouse vegetables


Almeria, Spain

Actors involved: 2 big cooperatives, >800 growers, advisors, plant nursery providers, local administration and media.

Area of expertise: Functional Biodiversity, Bumblebees, Metabolomics/food chemistry, Biocontrol

Presentation: Agrobío is a SME company located at the center of a very concentrated area of greenhouses in the Province of Almeria, southern Spain. It was founded in 1995 and was the first Spanish company to produce bumblebees. Agrobío is a bio-factory that provides pollination and biocontrol services mainly for greenhouse crops, but it is currently also focusing on other outdoor vegetable and tree crops. Agrobío produce about 25% of the global bumblebee hive market and insects for more than 50.000 hectares. Present in more than 40 countries, Agrobío has its own production of the most important biocontrol agents. All species of predatory mites used on the most important crops, as well as the main species of anthocorids, mirid bugs and some parasitoids. Agrobío has led the search for effective supplementary foods that improve the establishment of predators in protected crops and has committed to promoting CBC strategies. Thus, the company has incorporated experts in functional biodiversity and metabolomics/food chemistry areas, providing appropriate field advice and developing new in-crop feeding systems. Agrobío has a long experience developing biocontrol programs and providing advice to growers on sustainable, robust, and resilient pest management solutions. Agrobío has been working both on augmentative and conservation biocontrol, being a leadership in the market on developing functional biodiversity strategies (field margins, isles of vegetation and cover crops).