Dr. Zita Kriaučiūnienė, Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy

Type of organisation: Research facility

ASU MAX 2016_Campus green

Kaunas, Lithuania

Area of expertise: sustainable soil and crop residue management, soil organic matter, soil biological activity, agrochemical and agrophysical parameters, soil health, carbon farming, use of biostimulants, meat and bone meal organic fertilisers in crop growing technologies, crop and weed allelopathy, sustainable agrotechnologies, precision agriculture, ICT in agriculture, Kernza adaptation possibilities, crop productivity

Presentation: Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy is situated in the area of 719 ha, it has 4 academic buildings, Experimental station, Training farm, a unique academic campus for students and lecturers. During the implementation of projects financed by European Union (EU) funds, the Academy has established a joint research center with laboratories of open access scientific centers equipped with the most modern equipment. The campus has three exhibition pavilions where various international and national exhibitions are held. Research Priorities at VMU Agriculture Academy: 1. BIOECONOMY: Sustainable Development of Bioeconomy; Development of Agricultural and other Bioeconomy Business Organizations; Integrated Development of Rural Areas; 2. BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING: Biomass Engineering and Renewable Energy Resources; Sustainable Aquaculture Systems; Green Tribology and Nanotechnologies; Innovative Agricultural and Transport Technologies; Precision Agriculture; Geomatics; 3. SUSTAINABILITY OF AGRO-, FOREST AND AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS, IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE: Healthy Soil and Plants; Sustainability of Biological and Natural Resources, Ecosystem Services, Enhancement of Biodiversity; Mitigation and Adaptation of Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystems; Enhancement of the Sustainability and Ecological Intensification of Agroecosystems; Development of Climate-Neutral, Environmentally and Resource-Efficient Competitive Agrotechnologies; Development of Safe and Innovative Food Products, Bio-based Raw Materials for Industry; Sustainable Forestry; Sustainable Management of Water and Land Resources.